Eric Scheidler on Why We Fight the HHS Mandate

Posted by Matt Yonke (June 13, 2012 at 2:26 pm)

At the Chicago Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally on June 8, our first speaker was national Rally Co-Director and Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler.

Eric laid out his vision for victory in the fight for religious liberty where religious institutions are respected and valued—not just tolerated—for the gifts they have to bring to society and especially to healthcare.

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13 Responses to “Eric Scheidler on Why We Fight the HHS Mandate”

  1. Mabel says:

    I read the position of the Church and felt that its argument about interference of the procreation and unification of the couple was weak. Couples feel they are procreating through IVF with the help of Science in the same way the we use science to better our lives. Secondly, many couples will feel closer once they experience the IVF process together and the miracle of life through the birth of their babies. However, the position of the Church should be based mostly in the defamation of God as the only Creator and giver of life, on the ethics of how can we chose who lives and who dies. We have to educate people in that embryos are people not POTENTIAL PEOPLE. They are US Citizens who deserve the chance to live once conceived. Prolife groups are nothing else but this Children Advocates, children that otherwise will die without a mark in our society. Destroyed along with our future for we are unable to know if there would be a scientist, a President, or a hero of anykind among them…

    June 13th, 2012 at 3:46 pm
  2. Pauline Morris says:

    Thank you Eric and your Team for all you do.

    Our rally in Worcester, MA has generated only positive responses and inspired many to become actively involved in defending our First Amendment rights and to achieve our goal to end abortion. America has to once again be a country with strong moral values to survive.

    We have God on our side and He is giving us the means to fight the decay and corruption that is destroying our beloved country.

    Pauline Morris
    Worcester, MA

    June 13th, 2012 at 3:59 pm
  3. Sally Havercamp says:

    Eric & Monica,

    So many thanks for all that has been accomplished through all your efforts during these June 8 rallies throughout the U.S.
    Saginaw Rally had a fine turn-out of 175. We have new emails and addresses to help spread the Word for Religious Freedom;

    June 13th, 2012 at 5:14 pm
  4. Theresa says:

    Thanks for your courage and in bringing unity at the rallys throughout the USA. With pregnancy being diagnosed as a disease in the obama healthcare law, comfort care will be provided versus overall care to the elderly, and with the push for population control the obamacare is anything but healthcare. Let us continue to stand united and pray that those who are blinded with the understanding this is about birth control will awaken to the reality that this is about our freedoms, our choices. Let us elect a competent president who will uphold and not attempt to violate and control our freedom of life, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness – versus government. God bless America!

    June 13th, 2012 at 5:35 pm
  5. Mabel says:

    Comment to Eric Scheidler: I believe that we must speak strongly about what we are facing with the Government Health Care rather than making emphasis on the partnership with Planned Parenthood. The problem is bigger and scarier and that is how it has to be portrayed. The Issue is according to Bishop Hurley’s letter to parishioners on May 26/27 2012 – That the mandate “requires many faith based employers to include in their health benefit plans coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and artificial contraceptives [services ] which the Catholic Church finds morally objectionable” and He continues is that the real point here is the attempt against religion freedom and freedom of conscience by “abridging the rights of faith communities to define themselves.” As American Citizens we must stand against any governmental intervention upon our way of thinking and our right to act according to our conscience in moral issues. A society without freedom of thinking becomes a despotism governed by the radical thinking that states that there is no other rules, but the despot’s. A school which Obama was raised in. Therefore, to RallyUp is to speak up for Our freedom of conscience, of speech, of worship. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. And Government is in a subtle way trying to restrict our Freedom.
    On the other hand, we cannot imagine the claw of Planned Parenthood upon the Government. This Administration has allowed Planned Parenthood to give anti-terrorist training to the FBI, providing this agency with a list of Potential terrorist, among them many pro-life organizations and speakers. We are the conscience that the liberals want to shut up! We must protect, the God given treasure to each one of us, given and hiding under our hats: Our Conscience.

    June 13th, 2012 at 5:50 pm
  6. Elizabeth says:

    Comment to Eric Scheidler: I believe that we must speak strongly about what we are facing with the Government Health Care rather than making emphasis on the partnership with Planned Parenthood. The problem is bigger and scarier and that is how it has to be portrayed. The Issue is according to Bishop Hurley’s letter to parishioners on May 26/27 2012 – That the mandate “requires many faith based employers to include in their health benefit plans coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and artificial contraceptives [services ] which the Catholic Church finds morally objectionable” and He continues is that the real point here is the attempt against religion freedom and freedom of conscience by “abridging the rights of faith communities to define themselves.” As American Citizens we must stand against any governmental intervention upon our way of thinking and our right to act according to our conscience in moral issues. A society without freedom of thinking becomes a despotism governed by the radical thinking that states that there is no other rules, but the despot’s. A school which Obama was raised in. Therefore, to RallyUp is to speak up for Our freedom of conscience, of speech, of worship. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. And Government is in a subtle way trying to restrict our Freedom.
    On the other hand, we cannot imagine the claw of Planned Parenthood upon the Government. This Administration has allowed Planned Parenthood to give anti-terrorist training to the FBI, providing this agency with a list of Potential terrorist, among them many pro-life organizations and speakers. We are the conscience that the liberals want to shut up! We must protect, the God given treasure to each one of us, given and hiding under our hats: Our Conscience.

    June 13th, 2012 at 5:51 pm
  7. Maura Gonzalo says:

    Hello Eric,

    Thanks for your courage and all you and your leadership to fight against this Obama care. HOpefully that by doing this we can reach more people to realize what Obama is doing and putting down AMERICA. All Christians should really unite in one voice to fight against HHS mandate.
    God bless you and your family. Thanks for all who came and show their support.


    June 13th, 2012 at 9:35 pm
  8. Lillian Porter says:

    I appreciate and agree with most of what Mabel says, except her opinion on IVF and the Church’s position. Yes, couples may feel that their bond grows during the IVF process but its not only about them. I doubt there is any definitive research, which shows that IVF babies are no different at age 10, 30 or 50, than babies conceived during sexual intercourse. There is an exchange of bonding hormones between couples, which occurs during lovemaking. Surely, the human being just conceived must be influenced by that. Does science duplicate that? An argument is only weak if the subject is arguable.

    June 13th, 2012 at 11:15 pm
  9. Syte says:

    Guess who showed up at the Madison, WI, Stand Up For Religious Freedom rally?
    The staff of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, including both co-Presidents, Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker.
    Dan Barker shouted rude things at children while they were praying.
    See details

    June 14th, 2012 at 5:04 pm
  10. Jim AKA Roadie says:

    At our rally in Minneapolis it was suggested we see the movie, “For Greater Glory” which we did. GREAT MOVIE, and yet scary. The parallels between what happened in Mexico and what is happening now in the US is unnerving, to say the least. Also, I don’t know if we would have people who would do what young Joselito did. I MUST reinforce what we heard, and suggest you see the movie!

    June 15th, 2012 at 9:28 pm
  11. Philip Nachazel says:

    Eric and national team. Great work to coordinate this effort.
    A little over a week ago we stood side by side, Catholic,Protestant, Jewish, and others. Take heart in knowing that you have sounded the alarm. Liberal Media is SHAMEFUL. To think that they are touting themselves as UN-biased. God be with you.

    June 17th, 2012 at 4:01 pm
  12. Mary M says:

    Thank you for all you do. I agree with everyone above except the invitro person. The drugs used on a woman during invitro are high doses of hormones to force her body to produce eggs and then to carry the baby. I have heard of many women getting cancer after these procedures. The left over embryos are then disposed of or are still frozen or used in experimentation. Is that how we are to treat these babies? Adoption is a option for a childless couple. Children should not be conceived in a dish. There are many good doctors that use “natural” methods for conception that really do work. Many wonderful people have adopted and have great families. WE all need to fight to save our religious freedom rights and the rights of the unborn.

    June 18th, 2012 at 10:47 am
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    July 26th, 2012 at 12:22 pm