Good Turnout at Rally in Lincoln, Nebraska – 1000 Appear to Protect Liberty

Posted by Russell Barger (June 15, 2012 at 11:11 am)

A group of about 1000 appeared in front of the Denney Federal Building in downtown Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 8, 2012.  Lincoln Right to Life, Regnum Christi, and the Nebraska Family Council sponsored the rally on the warm June day.

The crowd was composed of Catholics and Protestants, primarily.  For a town of under 300,000, the organizers were pleased with the turnout.

The speakers included Coach Ron Brown, of the Nebraska Cornhusker football squad, speaking on behalf of Freedmen.  Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, along with Protestant ministers and Catholic priests, touched on the facts behind the mandate.

The crowd was reminded of the first freedom’s genesis and importance by Richard Duncan, UNL Law Professor.  Media coverage included print, radio and television.  One of better descriptions of the rally was on 10/11 News.

While the media coverage was decent, their confusion on the purpose of the rally was still evident.  The media has difficulty reconciling the “war on women” misinformation with the fact this was about religiously based organizations being forced to pay for products and services that violate their deeply held beliefs.

One thing was clear from all of the speakers and the crowd: Prayer and courage will win the day in Nebraska over this unjust mandate.

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