Day 8: Interfaith Novena to Stop the HHS Mandate

Posted by Matt Yonke (March 24, 2014 at 11:02 am)

Candle-lit PrayerTomorrow the highest court in the land will hear two of the most important cases on religious freedom in our nation’s history: Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood v. Sebelius, and it’s crucial that we surround this day in prayer.

Please join us in praying day 8 of the Novena to Reverse the HHS Mandate.

Novena to Reverse HHS Mandate: Day 8

Your Son Jesus Christ has taught us
that those who mourn over their sins
and over the evils in the world
are blessed indeed, and will be comforted.

We come before You today
in that spirit of Christian mourning
over how far our nation’s policies
Have strayed from Your law
and from the respect for life and conscience
that every law should reflect.

In the power of Your Spirit,
our mourning does not make us weak,
but rather renews our strength
to work for change.

Enable us, then, to speak up
and educate our fellow citizens,
and to make our voices heard
to our elected officials.

Reverse the unjust policies
that have been forced upon us,
and restore our nation
to the principles of freedom and justice
upon which it was founded.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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