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600 Attend Omaha, Nebraska Rally

Posted by Ann Marie Bowen (June 15, 2012 at 2:24 pm)

Weather warm and balmy for the Rally. About 600 people attended. Archbishop George Lucas lead in Prayer and comments.
Amanda Coker, an individual, who despite her blindness and hearing difficulties lead our Rally in, My Country Tis of Thee, God Bless American and America the Beautiful.

Pastor Don Moore of Hope Evangelical Free Church gave an inspiring speech, as well as, Dr. Edward DeSimone, Professor of Pharmacology, Martin Cannon, Attoney at Law, Rev. Mr. Jean Plourde of CPC, Gabriel’s Conrner, In Council Bluffs, IA closing prayer and speech by Seminarian Nate Hall.

Balloons were release, at the finally. Only 5 demonstrators came as a counter Rally, of sorts, with signs “Trust Women” and Don’t take away My BirthControl.

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