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Sanford Stands Tall for Religious Freedom

Posted by Archbishop Edward Ford (October 18, 2012 at 10:39 am)

One week before the nation-wide Rally For Religious Freedom takes place elsewhere in the country, Sanford, Maine held its own Rally For Religious Freedom on October 13th at Gowen Park in the heart of Sanford here in York County, Maine. The date was chosen to avoid a conflict with the state Right-To-Life Convention which takes place on the 20th and would not allow many Right-To-Lifers to attend the Rally. We were very fortunate to have received great cooperation from the Town Park and Recreation Department and the support of the Sanford Police Department in seeing to it that the site was made available to us and that all went smoothly.

Gathering at the Gazebo

Nearly 100 Mainers and people from nearby New Hampshire joined their voices together to stand-up for and to defend the principles of Religious Freedom guaranteed to all Americans by our founding fathers. They gathered at the gazebo in the town’s Gowen Park and were led in prayer and song while hearing two prominent speakers layout the case for and the need to defend our Religious Freedom rights at this crucial time in our nation’s history. [Continue reading …]

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