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Boston Rallies for Liberty, Opposes Assisted Suicide

Posted by Lou Murray (October 23, 2012 at 5:37 pm)

Boston RallyAs a crowd of nearly 200 gathered around Holy Name Rotary in West Roxbury, Massachusetts for the Stand Up Rally on Saturday, October 20, another crowd gathered a mile down the road at the Corrib pub.

At the Corrib, Senators John McCain and Scott Brown took on the tough topics like the cover up of the Benghazi terror attack, and the threat to safety posed through looming cuts to the military budget. But many of those who gathered inside and outside the Corrib to get a glimpse, grab a handshake, or salute these fine Senators might want to hear about the speakers at the Stand Up Rally, who spoke so eloquently about ‘Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.’ [Continue reading …]

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West Roxbury, MA, Stand Up Rally

Posted by Lou Murray (June 8, 2012 at 10:17 am)

The West Roxbury Stand Up Rally and Vigil was a beautiful event. A massive downpour and lightening shower rolled through the neighborhood an hour before the event was to start. But as we set up the stage and podium, a cool breeze like the Holy Spirit swept through the streets. The skies cleared and the sun beamed bright.

Over 135 people from all over the Parkway and points north and south attended the event. Our event began with a prayer vigil on the Holy Name Rotary. We gathered together on the lawn in the shadow of Holy Name Church at 6:30pm. Father Carlson, the pastor of Holy Name gave a blessing and asked us to have perseverence as we prayed for our political leaders to have the courage and wisdom to help defeat the HHS Mandate.

The 141 attendees stood shoulder to shoulder around the inner park of the rotary. The vast majority of vehicles were very supportive as they passed. (This is a high visibility park.) The event was a huge success with a high number of families with young children coming by after work. [Continue reading …]

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