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800 Attend Indianapolis Rally

Posted by Marc Tuttle (June 12, 2012 at 1:20 am)
Dr. Hans Geisler addresses the Indianapolis Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally

Dr. Hans Geisler relates how his parents fled Nazi Germany to be able to practice medicine according to their consciences.

The Nationwide “Stand Up for Religious Freedom” rallies were already hedged in a certain amount of historical perspective. The date June 8 was selected in part because it coincided with the anniversary of the introduction of our Bill of Rights in 1789. The Rallies occurred just one week after the movie “For Greater Glory” brought the story of Mexico’s fight for religious freedom to theaters across the country.

But few were able to capture the historic significance of the HHS Mandate like Dr. Hans Geisler, one of 7 speakers to address Indianapolis’ Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally.

In front of a sun-baked crowd of approximately 800, Dr. Geisler told the story of his parents, both physicians — his father was Jewish, his mother was Catholic — who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930’s in order to practice medicine in accord with their consciences. Dr. Geisler explained that the mandate from the HHS was “eerily similar” to how the Nazis initially took over the practice of medicine in Germany. [Continue reading …]

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