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Spokanites Brave Bone-Chilling Winds in Defense of Religious Freedom

Posted by Mary Sorensen (October 23, 2012 at 11:20 am)
The wind kept our flags unfurled

The wind kept our flags unfurled

About 100 turned out for the Spokane, WA rally in front of the federal courthouse.

The winds were 30 MPH, with gusts over 55 – and it was verrrry cold. But we had 4 fantastic speakers, and lots of enthusiasm. And 4 truly excellent speeches!

A good crowd turned out in Spokane

A good crowd turned out in Spokane

Our keynote speaker, Dr. David Dewolf – law professor at Gonzaga Law School, explained how the HHS mandate is, quite simply, bad law, which no one should support.

And we heard from Jodi, a pharmacist, explaining how contraceptives are not health care, but, rather, a cause of health problems – from breast cancer to blood clots – and, therefore, we should never be forced to pay for them. [Continue reading …]

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