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New Haven Stand-Up Rally Brings Over 500 Protesters!

Posted by Norma Contois (June 11, 2012 at 7:25 pm)

Note: This entry, posted by Rally Captain Norma Contois, was written by activist David Dowd.

StandUpFacebookNewHavenThe New Haven Rally for Religious Freedom took place on New Haven Green at noon on June 8th as Rallies were taking place at 160 sites across the country. June 8 is the 223rd anniversary of the day our Founding Father James Madison introduced the Bill of Rights, Some 500 + folks gathered on the Green on a sunsplashed day. The speaker’s platform was surrounded by trees as the large crowd formed a semi circle around the speakers.

Speaking from the platform, Peter Wolfgang, Executive Director of the Family Institue of Connecticut exuded great energy in introducing the speakers. Described by one woman in attendance as a very outgoing and pumped up speaker, Mr. Wolfgang’s manner won the approval of the audience time and time again as he introduced each speaker and placed the speaker’s points in reference to the theme of Religious Freedom. [Continue reading …]

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