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Print Media Cover Worcester Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally

Posted by Pauline Morris (June 13, 2012 at 2:43 pm)

Despite underestimates of the crowd that turned out at City Hall plaza,  local print media did report on the Worcester MA rally.  Click on the links below to read the coverage.

Catholic Free Press

If you couldn’t make it to the Stand Up For Religious Freedom rally in Worcester on June 8, you can see all the photos submitted by David Deresinski of the event here.

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Early Media Coverage of Worcester Rally

Posted by Pauline Morris (June 7, 2012 at 3:43 pm)

A lead story in  June 1 edition of the Catholic Free Press highlighted local efforts for the Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies taking place within the diocese.

Speakers for the Worcester rally include Attorney Robert Amorello who will review religious liberty under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Msgr. Anthony S. Czarnecki will relate his experiences living in Poland under Communist rule where freedom to practice one’s religion did not exist.

Other speakers include Vic Melfa, CEO and Co-founder of The Training Assoiciates and Fr. Richard Reidy who will describe the impact of the HHS Mandate on Catholic business owners, Catholic hospitals, universities or organizations that offer health benefits.  Allison LeDoux, diocesan director of the Office of Marriage and Family will also address the participants.

Follow this link to read the whole story.

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