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Wenatchee, WA Rally Pictures and Video

Posted by Teresa Drollman (June 14, 2012 at 7:00 am)

Please enjoy pictures of our rally on the Wenatchee Rally Facebook Page

and this video:

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From the Apple Capital: Seeds of Change!

Posted by Teresa Drollman (June 11, 2012 at 2:36 pm)

Two hundred inspired and passionate protestors turned out for the Rally in Wenatchee, WA (pop. 30,000), despite threatening thunderstorms.

Our amazing speakers included Dr. Mitch Garrison, Natalie Merrill, Karlo Broussard, Shiloh Schauer, and State Representative Cary Condotta, each offering a unique viewpoint and the fire of their conviction and commitment.

Pastor Bob Shepard prayed our invocation, and Pastor Pat McElroy offered a closing prayer. Patriotic music and hymns were led by the John Black Singers. [Continue reading …]

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