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Buffalo Pre-Rally Warm Up

Posted by Tim Byrnes (June 8, 2012 at 9:44 am)

Today is the day to stand up for religious freedom, and what a beautiful day it is. The weather is perfect for defending our freedom with a high in the upper 70s. With that in mind be sure to bring your water, sunscreen, hat, camera, and sign (see below if you cannot make a sign).

What else can you do before the rally? PRAY!

Rally Details:

We have 15 great speaker lined up! See our Facebook page for details.


2 Niagara Square, Buffalo, NY 14202 (Federal Court House)

Here is a map of available parking locations in the area.

Please assemble if you can around 11:45am to get signs (100’s), buttons, flyers and prayer cards. We need helpers to pass out the previously mentioned items. If you can help with this please arrive around 11:30am. Bring a friend or two!!

We’ll see you there!

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