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Greensburg, PA Rally

Posted by Tom Venditti (June 9, 2012 at 12:36 pm)

To God be the glory, our first rally in Greensburg , Pa. brought out 150 people at the courthouse despite our diocese going out of its way to let everyone know they were in no way supporting the rally. The spokesperson from Catholic Charities also backed out the dat before.

There is a lot of fear that is crippling the believers here and we need everyone’s prayers to see this obstacle removed before the next rally. Special thanks to Father Timothy Kruthaupt for going against the tide and presenting an amazing address on religious liberty.

Also thanks to Reverend Kovaks (United Church of Christ), Shari Lewis, (Westmoreland County Right To Life), Representative Krieger (House Of Representatives). The feedback we received was excellent from everyone in attendance. Thank you for encouraging us to do it.

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