Posts Tagged “Missourri”


Kansas City Rally

Posted by Francis Slobodnik (June 12, 2012 at 12:09 pm)

55 dedicated souls showed up for the rally that took place at the Kansas District Court House in Kansas City, KS. The rally was opened by a prayer by Father Hermann pastor of Old St. Patrick’s in Kansas City, MO.

A young man with an excellent voice led the crowd in God Bless America. Signs and buttons were distributed. Some even brought their own signs. A half dozen participants came forward to address the crowd.

The crowd, while smaller than hoped for, nevertheless was enthusiastic and are in it for the long haul. The point was made that we didn’t get here overnight, and we won’t return America to her former moral greatness overnight either. It is going to take perseverance.

The rally closed as it opened, with a prayer.

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