Liberty Bell Rings Out For Religious Freedom
Posted by Patricia Januzzi (June 15, 2012 at 12:22 pm)
On June 8,2012 over 1,000 citizens from the Philadelphia, PA Region rallied and stood up to show their support of our First Freedom, Religious Liberty and their opposition to the current Administration’s HHS Mandate! The weather was beautiful! The crowd engaged!
We had a tremendous line up of speakers. Auxiliary Bishop Timothy C. Senior opened the day with prayer. and Rev. Watkins closed the day with prayer!. The Liberty Bell Rang at 12 noon and we began! These were the speakers : Bishop Timothy Senior from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Dr. Franck from the Witherspoon Institute, Dr. Mirenda from Neuman College, Ron Rak, J.D. from St. Peter’s Medical Center, a letter from several physicians attending the rally, Lori Windham, J.D. from the Beckett Fund and Sam Casey, J.D. [Continue reading …]