Stand Up Rally Signs Are Everywhere

Posted by John Jansen (October 8, 2012 at 11:57 am)

Stand Up Rally signsOne of the great things about the media coverage of the March 23 and June 8 Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally was seeing the same signs held by rally participants nationwide.

For the March rally, we shipped 4,000 signs to rally captains in well over 100 cities. For the June rally, we upped the ante considerably — instead of thousands of signs, we shipped tens of thousands.

Vote for Life and Liberty signThese signs are essential to keeping our message simple and conveying it in an unmistakably clear way: We are for religious freedom, and we are against the HHS Mandate.

This time around, we placed an order for 24,000 signs, and we’ve added a third sign to the line-up that reads, “Vote for Life and Liberty.”

Stand Up Rally signsWe started shipping signs to rally captains across the country  last week, and we’re continuing to pack them up and ship them out as fast as we can.

So if you’re wondering, “Where can I get a sign?” we have an answer: At the Stand Up Rally location nearest you on Saturday, October 20.

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One Response to “Stand Up Rally Signs Are Everywhere”

  1. nja says:

    why does my neighbor have a sign up that says something like, “We support religious liberty”, when they are very Christian? I could understand if they were Muslim or Buddhist in our sometimes intolerant Country, but what is it that they are saying? If this is something that the signs are specifically targeting for Doctors that they must uphold the duties of a Doctor in the U.S., please explain this to me. I’m not an argumentative person, I just like to know facts. Thank you,

    -Nicholas Autry, 773.383.0627

    November 3rd, 2012 at 1:37 am