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La Porte, Indiana: How Not to Run a Rally

Posted by Fr.JamesRosselli (October 24, 2012 at 1:31 am)

Stand Up La PorteIt was 9:30 in the morning and the Rally would be starting in two and a half hours. Three of my four speakers had cancelled, one of them ten minutes ago, and the fourth—my keynote speaker—had just informed me that he had a cold and might not make it.

Of course, being the strong and stalwart man of God that I am, I fell into a chasm of gloomy self-pity. The devil whispered all the usual stuff in my ear, how I was a lousy leader and had fallen down on the job; how I wasn’t getting any respect because I  didn’t deserve any, how maybe I should just leave the priesthood and become a bartender, or something.

Same old stuff. We’ve all heard it. It lasted about a half-hour, when I perceived the Lord saying to me, “Relax. I’ve got it.” This was reinforced by my wife (yes, being an Orthodox priest I get to say things like “my wife…”) who reminded me  Who was really in charge. [Continue reading …]

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