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Des Moines Stand Up Rally Report

Posted by Jenifer Bowen (October 26, 2012 at 5:15 pm)

After 2 dreary, rainy days in Iowa, the clouds parted and the sun came out, as if on cue, for the Stand Up for Freedom Rally in Des Moines on the steps of the Iowa State Capitol.

The crowd of about 120 were met with enthusiasm from pro-life student group speakers from Iowa State and Simpson colleges.

Jenifer Bowen, Iowa Right to Life, read a statement from Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds that they would always stand with us in protecting and promoting the religious freedoms of all people.

Stand Up for the unborn, for those living with regret, for the wounded, for the Truth!

Local candidates for both House and Senate addressed the crowd and urged everyone to exercise their freedom and vote their values.

The clarion call for those in attendance came from Monsignor Frank Chiodo who reminded us of our heritage and the cost for religious freedom.

Everyone enjoyed the weather and the speeches and most mingled around long after the rally talking with the speakers.

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Posted in October Rally Report | 1 Comment »

Des Moines Stand Up Rally Attended by Over 200

Posted by Jenifer Bowen (June 21, 2012 at 5:06 pm)

The Des Moines rally was attended by 200+ who enthusiastically responded to the line up of speakers.

Jenifer Bowen, Executive Director of Iowa Right To Life, kicked off the rally by reading a support statement from both Governor Branstad and Lt. Governor Reynolds (attached), who could not attend the rally in person that day.

Msgr. Frank Bognanno from Christ the King Church in Des Moines, read a statement from Bishop Richard Pates of the Des Moines Diocese, who invited everyone to the Fortnight of Freedom event taking place on Sunday, July 1st about this same issue.

Monsignor Bognanno stated, “Some people say this is an issue that should be between a woman and her doctor. That’s not true. It’s between the woman and the doctor and the one who has to pay. If this mandate goes through, I think it will eventually include abortions. We need to make a stand right now.” [Continue reading …]

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Posted in June 8 Rally Report | 1 Comment »