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We Rallied For Religious Freedom. What Does This mean?

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (October 25, 2012 at 4:47 pm)

A Reflection on the October 20th Stand Up Rally

Monica Miller

Monica Miller addresses the crowd at the 10/20 Rally in Detroit

As I write these words—the most important election in American history will take place in just two weeks—an election that will decide the very future of our nation and so much is at stake.

For the first time since the pilgrims disembarked the Mayflower the issue of religious liberty is something that voters must take into consideration when they discern for whom they will cast their vote on Nov. 6th. This is the time in which we live!

Even with the election of Obama four short years ago (and for many it may seem like a lot longer) who would have predicted that religious liberty would be under attack through this president’s administration in the Health and Human Services Mandate? Even all those Catholics who voted for Obama—but for whom Obama’s support for legalized abortion should have been enough of a disincentive—never envisioned that this president would initiate and stand by a decree that so seriously compromises the consciences of people of faith. [Continue reading …]

Posted in News and Commentary, October Rally Report | 1 Comment »

Pictures from the Detroit HHS Rally

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (June 19, 2012 at 1:13 pm)

Here are pictures from the 2012 Second HHS Rally in Detroit, MI. All pictures are taken by A Nick in Time Photography 2012, all rights reserved.

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After The Second Rally—Where Do We Go From Here?

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (June 11, 2012 at 5:16 pm)

A Post-Rally Critique from Monica Migliorino Miller, National co-director of Stand Up for Religious Freedom Nationwide Rallies

Monica MillerFriday June 8, 2012 was an amazing day—164 rallies all across the United States in every time zone—with over 57,000 people participating, and literally hundreds of news stories generated—all extending the witness that these nationwide rallies create in protest of the unjust, immoral and unlawful Health and Human Services mandate.

If you are reading this follow-up review of the June 8th rallies and you are not aware of the present federal government attack on religious liberty, please see the excellent explanation of the Mandate from the Alliance Defense Fund.

Every rally captain, all those who assisted captains, all rally presenters and all those tens of thousands who participated in the June 8th rallies can be very proud of this momentous accomplishment. Our first rally was March 23rd, attended by 64 thousand people nationwide in 144 cities. Those nationwide rallies were organized in a short 7 weeks—some of the local rallies did not get off the ground until a few days before the
event! [Continue reading …]

Posted in News and Commentary | 3 Comments »

The Detroit Rally Video Playlist

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (June 8, 2012 at 9:52 pm)

We had a wonderful lineup of speakers at the Detroit Rally today.
-Stacy Swimp
-Pastor Claude May
-Fr. Eric Fedewa
-Prof. Mary Healy
-Bishop Ira Combs
-Teresa Tomeo
-Sr. Rose Marie Kujawa
-Bishop Michael Byrnes
-And the musical talent of Dino Valle

Here is a great way to share the Religious Freedom Rally with friends or family who may have missed it.

Post this link on your social media page. 

It is a full youtube playlist of all the Detroit speakers. By sharing this link, you help to extend the message that so many rallied for today.
We need to keep this conversation going at work, at home, when we are out in public, and in our own corner of the digital continent.


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Posted in General, June 8 Rally Report | 1 Comment »

Pictures from the Detroit Rally

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (June 8, 2012 at 5:41 pm)

We had over 1,700 people attend today’s rally in Detroit.
Here is a link to some of the photos that were taken today.

If the liberal media is looking to paint this as a “War on Women”, they are going to have to explain why the majority of participants in this “war” are women and children.

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Rally National Co-Director Monica Migliorino Miller Reflects on the Rallies

Posted by Monica Migliorino Miller (March 25, 2012 at 1:07 pm)

Monica Miller, Detroit RallySo What can we learn from what happened March 23? Why were these rallies—in over 140 cities and drawing more than 50,000 participants from a broad cross-section of America—such a tremendous success? And where do we go from here?

As co-director the the nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom and a pro-life activist with four decades of grassroots experience, I’d like to share the following observations:

The Church is beginning to wake-up!

Truly, we see that the Church is stepping up to the social and political attacks on faith that seek to send Christians (and all people of faith) back to the catacombs.

Pray for Catholic Bishops, pray for Protestant pastors, pray for all religious leaders that they will have the courage to not waver no matter what the People of God must suffer!

The grassroots faithful are taking a stand!

The only real explanation for the incredible turn-out for these rallies is that rank and file Christians and people of religious faith see that they must make a real, public response to this HHS Mandate and work to rescind it! This opposition must not die out! [Continue reading …]

Posted in 3/23 Rally Reports, News and Commentary | 15 Comments »