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Seattle: An Awesome Protest March and Rally!

Posted by Patricia Ullman (October 26, 2012 at 7:36 pm)

March in Seattle

All photos by Robert Ludwig, God's World Photography

In Seattle, rain is ever-present. Our summer, for instance, may start the day AFTER 4th of July. This year, summer arrived in early August.

So Seattle rally organizers were not surprised by weather reports early last week threatening 60% chance of rain for Saturday. But come time for Saturday’s rally, temperatures were cold, but the skies revealed big patches of blue with no precipitation in sight and, this, just in time for over 200 people to step-off on the .8-mile, pre-rally protest march from St. James Cathedral to the steps of the US District Courthouse.

Those of us waiting on the steps of the US District Courthouse for marchers to arrive were awed as our marchers came into view rounding the last corner……escorted by 14 Seattle motorcycle police officers donning “white” helmets, lights on the motorcycles flashing “blue and red”. It was perfect symbolism for the rally mere moments away. [Continue reading …]

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Seattle Rally Deemed an Overwhelming Success!

Posted by Patricia Ullman (June 8, 2012 at 9:36 pm)

In spite of threats of rain and thunder storms, Seattle rally organizers greeted more than 350 wonderful attendees at today’s event.

Opening ceremonies began with an introduction of the event’s emcee, Helen Nguyen. Nguyen, the daughter of Vietnamese parents who escaped VietNam on rickety boats and made their way to America, earned her Bachelor’s degree in Women’s Studies and her Master’s degree in Social Work, both degrrees from the University of Washington. Helen introduced Fr. Jim Northrop of St. Brendan Catholic Church (Bothell, WA) who gave the invocation.

After Fr. Northrop’s blessing, 12-year old vocalist, Allie Johnson, sang an inspirational rendition of The Star Spangled Banner. [Continue reading …]

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