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At Least 675 Stand Up for Religious Freedom in Columbus, Ohio

Posted by Ruth Yorston (June 11, 2012 at 3:30 pm)

With at least 675 in attendance, Columbus Ohio saw more than a 50% increase in participation at our second Stand Up for Religious Freedom rally.  Waving American flags, beginning with prayer and the National Anthem, rally participants gathered to hear speakers representing Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Jewish faithful to educate and inspire them to stand strong in the defense of our religious liberties.

Alicia Healy gave an impassioned speech about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, reminding us that “We are fighting for our God-given rights and liberties under our constitution which grants limited and enumerated powers to the federal government. No power has been granted over health care, reproduction, or any such thing. As Jefferson said, ‘We must bind him [the government] down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.’

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