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Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally Draws 375 Hardy Souls!

Posted by Sandie Weathers (October 26, 2012 at 1:53 pm)

Ann Arbor rallyMore than 375 hardy souls rallied for their Religious Freedom at the Ann Arbor Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally, held on Saturday, Oct. 20th at Concordia University despite the cold temperature and the threat of more rain, as part of the nationwide rally which took place in over 140 communities in the United States. Following a pre-rally prayer service and short March to the Rally Site lead by the Knights of Columbus Color Corp, the enthusiastic crowd was welcomed by Professor Charles Schulz of Concordia University, who also serves as pastor of St Thomas Lutheran Church in Ann Arbor.

Emcee Kara Coulter, from Ave Maria Radio, honored the Veterans, Clergy and Religious, then Coulter read a statement from Bishop Earl Boyea, of the Catholic Diocese of Lansing, which reads, “Thanks for the invite but I will be at Cotton Prison that morning. Please know however of my prayers. Greet all there for me and tell them that I hope someone will visit me when I am in prison when the restrictions on religious freedom are simply too grave.” [Continue reading …]

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