Posted by Eric Scheidler (October 10, 2012 at 2:29 pm)
As the date for the third Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally approaches, the number of lawsuits being filed against the HHS Mandate continues to rise. The most recent was filed yesterday: East Texas Baptist University & Houston Baptist University v. Sebelius.
And it’s not just explicitly religious institutions like these Baptist universities or the Catholic Charities that are fighting the HHS Mandate in court. Several private businesses are doing so, too, including the craft goods chain Hobby Lobby.
According to the Becket Fund, which is tracking these cases—and litigating some of them—there are now 33 lawsuits against the HHS Mandate. [Continue reading …]
This great new video from our friends at Catholic Vote and Spirit Juice Studios lays out how one business owner is being affected by the HHS Mandate. Not only is the mandate forcing him to violate his most deeply held beliefs if he obeys it, it’s also causing him to scale back the benefits he can offer his workers so he can comply without violating his conscience.
The HHS Mandate is bad for our freedom, and it’s bad for workers. Help spread the word by sharing this video!
Posted by John Jansen (October 3, 2012 at 3:05 pm)
It’s been said frequently — and quite rightly — that not even Jesus and His Apostles would qualify as being “religious enough” under the HHS Mandate’s so-called “religious exemption.”
The vast majority of faith-based organizations don’t qualify either, nor do Bible publishers.
The Obama administration is claiming that a dedicated Christian publisher of Bibles and ministry material is insufficiently religious to qualify for an exemption to the contraception mandate in the president’s health-care overhaul.
According to a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in the District of Columbia by Tyndale House Publishers, the company has been refused a “religious employer” exemption because the Health and Human Services Department categorically maintains that any for-profit publisher is not a “religious employer.” [Continue reading …]
Law professor, founder of the Women Speak for Themselves campaign and all around national treasure Helen Alvare gave a talk on the day of the first Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally, March 23, 2012 at the Franciscan University of Stubenville on the HHS Mandate. This talk does a better job than anything we’ve seen at explaining how Mandate not only poses a serious threat to our religious freedom, but also why it’s just bad policy written on the basis of bad studies and ideology.
This is a great video to share with folks who say don’t see what the big deal is about this issue. Spread it around Facebook and your other social networks.
Posted by Matt Yonke (September 22, 2012 at 12:01 pm)
Proponents of the HHS Mandate claim that we’re waging a “war on women” and insist that only men would oppose it. Well Helen Alvere and the over 33,000 women who have signed on to the Women Speak for Themselves petition would beg to differ.
This great new video shows the beautiful, diverse faces of those women and lets them speak in their own words about why they oppose the HHS Mandate.
The video also showcases tons of footage from the June 8 and March 23 Stand Up Rallies across the country and the broad cross section of people who attended. Share the video with your friends today and check the Rally Locations Page to find out where there’s a Rally in your area or how to get one started if there isn’t one yet.
Posted by Eric Scheidler (September 19, 2012 at 12:47 pm)
President Obama has just released a new web ad, in which he he claims to be a defender of religious freedom and a great admirer of the contribution of faith in our public life.
I take great encouragement from President Obama’s latest web ad—not because I believe a word he says, but because it shows that our massive, grassroots campaign to stop Obama’s HHS Mandate and restore religious freedom is working.
President Obama realizes he’s vulnerable on the religious freedom issue. It shows he’s worried—and he should be, especially with the next wave of nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom rallies coming on October 20, just 17 days before Election Day. [Continue reading …]
Posted by John Jansen (September 17, 2012 at 1:23 pm)
A great victory for religious freedom was scored last week when the Missouri legislature overrode a veto by Governor Jay Nixon of Senate Bill 749.
The bill, which passed with wide margins in both the state House and Senate earlier this summer, was written in direct response to the HHS Mandate.
SB 749 ensures that employees and employers in the state of Missouri will not be forced to participate in, provide, pay for, or provide referrals for health plans or services that cover contraceptives, sterilizations, or abortion-causing drugs.
In a special veto session last week, the Missouri Senate resoundingly voted 26-6 and the Missouri House voted 109-45 to override Governor Nixon’s veto of the bill. [Continue reading …]
Posted by Matt Yonke (September 13, 2012 at 10:00 am)
As the battle against the HHS Mandate and other threats to our religious freedom wage on, many people are unclear as to how exactly the HHS Mandate poses a threat to religious freedom. Some on the left brazenly claim it poses no threat at all.
That’s why it’s important to get the truth about the HHS Mandate and its pernicious attack on freedom out there. This video from Senator Kelly Ayotte does exactly that in a clear, concise package.
Share this video on Facebook and your other social networks to get the word out about religious freedom, and don’t forget to take part in the October 20 rally! With over 100 cities on board there’s likely to be one near you. Get the full list of cities right here and if there’s not follow the simple directions to get your own Stand Up Rally going.
Posted by Matt Yonke (September 7, 2012 at 4:16 pm)
Three Cheers for Cardinal Dolan! From the beginning he’s led the fight against the HHS Mandate with courage and expert diplomacy, but when he gave last night’s closing prayer at the Democratic National Convention, he exceeded all expectations.
Though some thought praying at the DNC at all was a capitulation, Cardinal Dolan took the opportunity to pray for God’s protection over the unborn and for the restoration of religious liberty—clear references to abortion and the HHS Mandate.
Thank you, Cardinal, for truly acting as America’s pastor and bringing the gospel message of life and freedom to both sides of the aisle!
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Posted by Matt Yonke (September 7, 2012 at 9:56 am)
If you missed last night’s “I Vote Pro-Life First” webcast featuring a host of pro-life and pro-freedom leaders, now’s your chance.
Stand Up Rally Co-Director Eric Scheidler is one of the first presenters, but be sure to listen to the whole call to hear the whole roster of great speakers, including Senator Rick Santorum.
If you want to find out how to make a difference in this fall’s elections beyond just voting, click play below: