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Ultra-Liberal Athens, Georgia Produces 300 Protesters

Posted by Heather Gardner (June 9, 2012 at 11:35 pm)

A crowd of 300 gathers to STAND UP in Athens, Georgia

Athens, Georgia is well known by its residents as a hub of liberal politics where anything with so much as a right-wing stripe is summarily dismissed. Yet, this hotbed of liberal ideology–the home of Georgia’s flagship university–still managed to produce 300 protesters for Friday’s Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally.

This level of attendance represents a 50 percent increase over the attendance at the March 23 Stand Up Rally in Athens. In a community where the prevailing viewpoint is left-leaning, to say the least, opposition to this administration’s obstruction of religious liberty is growing. [Continue reading …]

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Attorney General to Speak at Athens, GA Rally

Posted by Heather Gardner (June 5, 2012 at 11:32 am)

Sam Olens

Georgia Attorney General, Sam Olens, will be among the special guest speakers at Friday’s Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Athens. Georgia is one of 27 states currently challenging the constitutionality of the entire Obamacare law in the Supreme Court.

Martha Zoller, candidate for Georgia’s new 9th Congressional District will emcee the event.

Martha Zoller

A very large turnout is expected in Athens because it is the only city in Georgia participating in the Rally. 100 professionally printed signs will go quickly, so make sure to bring a handmade sign or American flag with you, and STAND UP FOR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!

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