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Despite Torrential Downpour, 300 Attend Portland’s Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally, 100 More View Live Online

Posted by Jason Schmidt (June 21, 2012 at 9:32 am)

A torrential downpour couldn’t keep 300 Oregonians and Southwest Washingtonians away from the Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally on June 8, 2012 in Terry Schrunk Plaza in Portland, Oregon. 100 more viewed the rally remotely on a Ustream channel. This was the second Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally in Oregon, with the first on March 23.

Amid umbrellas, raincoats, and waterproof boots, the rally began without a hitch and everyone was called to attention with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.

Pastor Stephen Williams of Prepare the Way Ministries kicked things off and shouts from among the crowd of “Amen!” could be heard as he preached about our Biblical right to religious freedom. Jim Greenfield, of the Jim Greenfield Show, got the crowd going even more with his wit and Constitutional knowledge. [Continue reading …]

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Portland, OR – 300 people attend, and 100 people watched online

Posted by Jason Schmidt (June 9, 2012 at 12:08 pm)

The Oregon liquid sunshine couldn’t keep patriots away from standing up for religious freedom! More information to come, but check out the UStream recording and our Facebook event page for more pictures and videos.

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JUNE 8: Fight the HHS attack on religious freedom in Portland, OR

Posted by Jason Schmidt (June 7, 2012 at 4:10 pm)

The second huge, nationwide Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rally is only days away, and I thought you’d appreciate a quick reminder.

When you come out for the Rally next Friday, June 8 at Terry Shrunk Plaza, you will be joining people of faith in over 153 cities across the country in opposing President Obama’s HHS Mandate.

You’ll be adding your voice to the millions denouncing the Mandate, which requires ALL employers — even religious charities — provide free contraceptives, sterilization and abortion-inducing drugs through their health plans. [Continue reading …]

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