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Why a Third Rally in Charleston, South Carolina?

Posted by Patricia Vitkovic (October 22, 2012 at 12:22 pm)

Words can hardly describe how blessed we felt looking out from the top steps of our U.S. Customs House and seeing hundreds & hundreds of local citizens taking a STAND!

Many carry signs that expressed their hopes for the future, some expressed a desired to see improvement in how our government spends our taxes, but all came together in one accord when this chant started: “hey, hey what do you say, let’s go VOTE on election day!”

And that is why we had one more RALLY, so all 750 people who gathered could see they were not alone, we will see each other again on election day!!

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Posted in October Rally Report | 1 Comment »

Standing UP in Charleston, SC

Posted by Patricia Vitkovic (June 11, 2012 at 11:00 am)

Charleston rallyIt has rained for 4 days here in Charleston, but this morning was beautiful.

As our FREEDOM CHOIR started singing the National Anthem , the voices from the crowd joined in and the sound was amazing!  The RALLY BAND added just the right sound for everything!

Our “MC” for the RALLY was Mike and boy did he keep the crowd on their toes!  Of course, Cathy, lead us all in our favorite chant… hey, hey, ho, ho, the MANDATE has got to GO!

I could write a book on our Speakers!   Each shared their personal experiences on how the HHS Mandate will effect their LIVES and their FAITH. From a small business owner, to a law student, 4 Pastors, Radio Talk Show Host, and so many other walks of life, they each encouraged us and lifted us in Prayers! [Continue reading …]

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Posted in June 8 Rally Report | 1 Comment »

Charleston,SC Rally to Feature Joseph Kurt, 94.3FM

Posted by Patricia Vitkovic (June 2, 2012 at 4:28 pm)

Here in CHARLESTON, SC on JUNE 8th 


at NOON in front of the  U.S. CUSTOM HOUSE on East Bay Street (map)


including Joseph Kurt from 94.3FM

and Holly Gatling, Executive Director of SC Citizens for Life



[Continue reading …]

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Posted in General, Rally Locations | 4 Comments »